Battlefield Vietnam ? - PC - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 30-01-2004 à 08:26:46
screenshots ici: [...] nshots.jsp
vidéo ici: [...] videos.jsp
date de sortie SPRING
Q: What is the current status of the game's progress and when will it be released?
A: We are currently entering our Alpha stage and all the content is complete and we are polishing the game and trying to find areas where we can improve it. Unless a catastrophe occurs we should be right on target for our spring release.
Marsh Posté le 29-01-2004 à 18:45:11
Salut !

J ai besoin de quelques petites precisions sur ce jeux(Battlefield Vietnam?):
-il sort quand ?
-ou je peux trouver la video ?
merci @+