Alpha Black Zero (moteur 3D de Serious Sam 2)

Alpha Black Zero (moteur 3D de Serious Sam 2) - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 10:53:27    

c est un shoot tactique  ki utilise un moteur amélioré de Serious Sam 2
ca vient de sortir chez les anglo-saxons,kk1 a testé ?

Citation :

Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol is a mission-based tactical shooter in development by Netherlands-based Khaeon for compatriot publisher Playlogic International. From the information released to date, we were able to learn that it takes place in a science fiction setting, with the player taking the role of one Lieutenant Kyle Hardlaw, the commander of a small squad of elite soldiers. Trained to deal with any kind of combat situation and to survive under the most hazardous and extreme conditions, the titular Alpha Black Zero team has been assembled for the purpose of resolving political conflicts on rebellious planets.
We know the story element involves a seemingly routine assignment, albeit a dangerous one on a seditious world. The appearance of an unexpected opponent sets the team on a completely different path fraught with unanticipated situations and perils. The game experience reportedly varies from fast-paced combat to tense stealth missions involving diverse problems and circumstances requiring the player to exercise tactical insight plus all the combat skills of the central character and his team. With vibrant visuals powered by a modified version of the Serious Sam engine, the title is one we've kept an eye on for quite some time.

Demo 515 Mo   mirror  
Vidéo 40 Mo
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Message édité par Space le 28-08-2004 à 11:57:22

VDS MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Trio - Ma cinémathèque

Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 10:53:27   


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 11:11:32    

j'ai aperçu ça hier, mais bon... faut voir... si c'est du tactique ça va me gonfler :D


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 11:45:32    

m'a l'air cool :D
personne ne sait si une demo doit voir le jour? :)


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 11:50:38    


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 11:51:23    

ca devient n'importe quoi [:dawa]


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 11:59:49    

[:rofl] y a pas un code pour la transformer en jeu complet? :D


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 12:08:33    

je viens de matter la video,ca pas l air degueu  :wahoo:

VDS MSI GTX 1080 Ti Gaming X Trio - Ma cinémathèque

Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 12:11:36    


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 12:17:18    


Marsh Posté le 28-08-2004 à 12:18:35    

ha quand meme [:mlc2]
je lit ca en detail apres manger :o


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