LOTR : Return of the king (PS2, NGC, Xbox) - Consoles - Jeux Video
MarshPosté le 10-05-2003 à 02:27:55
Well, EA has seen fit to rectify that piece of business as they ramp up the last movie tie-in with Peter Jackson's trilogy, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. If you thought LOTR: TTT was an amazing piece of work, you haven't seen anything yet. Besides the aforementioned (and gladly welcomed) new multiplayer component, check this out:
Eight playable and secret characters: Including Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sam, and Frodo with exclusive voice-over provided by the actual actors from the films.
Over twelve interactive environments authentically reproduced from the films: Explore the Paths of the Dead, defend Minas Tirith, and battle Sauron?s forces at the Pelennor Fields before final confrontations at the Black Gate and the Crack of Doom.
Third person action/adventure gameplay: Incorporates multiple character paths for each member of the Fellowship.
Interactive game environments: Players incorporate the various environments into their strategies for both melee and ranged combat. Characters will have the ability to jump and swing from ropes, fire catapults, kick boulders, etc.
Enhanced control with the right analog stick: Allows players to perform multi-directional attacks and combos with ease as they battle their way through the forces of evil.
Battle vicious boss monsters: Including Shelob, the Witch King, and the final showdown with the Dark Lord Sauron.
Marsh Posté le 10-05-2003 à 02:27:55
Well, EA has seen fit to rectify that piece of business as they ramp up the last movie tie-in with Peter Jackson's trilogy, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. If you thought LOTR: TTT was an amazing piece of work, you haven't seen anything yet. Besides the aforementioned (and gladly welcomed) new multiplayer component, check this out:

Eight playable and secret characters: Including Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sam, and Frodo with exclusive voice-over provided by the actual actors from the films.
Over twelve interactive environments authentically reproduced from the films: Explore the Paths of the Dead, defend Minas Tirith, and battle Sauron?s forces at the Pelennor Fields before final confrontations at the Black Gate and the Crack of Doom.
Third person action/adventure gameplay: Incorporates multiple character paths for each member of the Fellowship.
Interactive game environments: Players incorporate the various environments into their strategies for both melee and ranged combat. Characters will have the ability to jump and swing from ropes, fire catapults, kick boulders, etc.
Enhanced control with the right analog stick: Allows players to perform multi-directional attacks and combos with ease as they battle their way through the forces of evil.
Battle vicious boss monsters: Including Shelob, the Witch King, and the final showdown with the Dark Lord Sauron.
http://www.gaming-age.com/cgi-bin/ [...] e=lotrking
je crois que ca s'annonce pas mal du toot
"OCPLB : On Casse Pas Le Binôme, 'moiselle Jade, Carlson & Peters, page 823 !"