Firmware... lequel choisir??

Firmware... lequel choisir?? - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 14-05-2002 à 00:38:15    

Je viens d'acheter il y a quelques heures, un lecteur DVD ASUS E616 16x/48x.
Je voudrais le Dézonner car je suis maintenant au Canada, et j'ai plusieurs DVD zone 2 que j'ai apporté de France.
Je me suis donc rendu sur le site
Mon lecteur est présent... mais voila sur quoi je tombe :  
-ASUS E616 (16X/48X) 1.0, 2.0  
(Known firmware : 1.00)  
You can reset the drive region code with a simple trick "hold down the two buttons on your dvd drive (play/stop) when power on the computer. See a detailled explanation here.  
 A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.0 and RPC-1 2.0 are available. Patch by daifu.  
J'ai le choix entre la version 1.0 ou 2.0.
Laquelle dois-je prendre et pourquoi? quelle est la différence entre les 2 versions.


Marsh Posté le 14-05-2002 à 00:38:15   


Marsh Posté le 14-05-2002 à 00:41:27    

Dans le fichier readme, c'est marqué cela :  
WARNING: This is not an official ASUS patch! By applying it you will void your warranty, and if anything goes wrong you may permanently ruin your drive. Do not use it unless you are willing to take this risk!
This patch to the original E616 2.0 firmware will make the drive RPC-1 (region-free), although utilities such as DriveInfo will still report it as RPC-2 until you insert a DVD. Remember that you'll also need to override your DVD decoder's region protection - see the URLs at the end of this file for more info.
To apply the patch you need the MTKFLASH tool (again, see below for the URL). I've only tested it with version 1.38, on a machine with an Intel 815EP chipset. Make a DOS boot disk, then copy the MTKFLASH files and these ones onto it. Boot from the disk, then run UPGRADE.BAT (you've read the warning at the start of this file, haven't you?).
The upgrade script will store a backup of your original firmware as BACK00.BIN and BACK01.BIN. To restore it, rename these to BIDE*.BIN and re-run UPGRADE (obviously, the backup files made by this second run will be of the patch!). You can also download the original firmware.
Note: 2.0p seems to work on my 1.0-vintage drive, but to be safe I recommend getting 1.0p if you're currently running the 1.0 firmware.
Peut etre ca peux vous aider a me dire comment faire...


Marsh Posté le 14-05-2002 à 00:42:12    

PS : Y a t-il un réel danger en faisant cet update?


Marsh Posté le 14-05-2002 à 01:28:07    



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