routeur netgear DM602

routeur netgear DM602 - Matériels & problèmes divers - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 15-10-2004 à 18:42:40    

Max Half open TCP Connection: Sets the percentage of concurrent IP sessions that can be in the half-open state. In ordinary TCP communication, packets are in the half-open state only briefly as a connection is being initiated; the state changes to active when packets are being exchanged, or closed when the exchange is complete. TCP connections in the half-open state can use up the available IP sessions. If the percentage is exceeded, then the half-open sessions will be closed and replaced with new sessions as they are initiated.  
Max ICMP Connection: Sets the percentage of concurrent IP sessions that can be used for ICMP messages. If the percentage is exceeded, then older ICMP IP sessions will be replaced by new sessions as the are initiated.  
Max Single Host Connection: Sets the percentage of concurrent IP session that can originate from a single computer. This percentage should take into account the number of hosts on the LAN
quels sont les pourcentages les mieux adaptatés a votre avis !??
(par défaut 25,25,75)

Message édité par omega le 15-10-2004 à 18:43:36

Marsh Posté le 15-10-2004 à 18:42:40   


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