Ventilateur molex 7V risques ?

Ventilateur molex 7V risques ? - Alimentation - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 18-08-2016 à 20:14:28    

J'ai ajouté un ventilateur dans mon pc. Je n'avais plus de prise dispo sur la CM, j'ai donc acheté un adaptateur qui permet de le brancher sur une prise molex directement sur l'alimentation : [...] 0w-cbl.png
Il est branché au niveau du cercle rouge, et il y a un disc dur sur le cercle vert.
Seulement j'ai lu qu'un ventilateur en 7V c'était pas trop recommandé pour l'alimentation :
"In this arrangement (12V - 5V= 7V), current flows from the 12V rail through the fan to the 5V rail.
Each rail of the power supply is driven by a voltage regulator.
Common voltage regulators are designed to supply current, not to receive current.
The current that flows through the fan has to be less than the current that the components draw from the 5V rail. Then, as far as the supply is concerned everything is fine and every regulator only supplies current.
However, if the fan current is more than the total current your computer components draw from the 5V rail, it effectively is like the 12V rail is charging the 5V rail. The supply may not like that.
The possibility of such a problem goes up as you increase the number of fans since you increase the overall fan current.
At bootup, the components don't all turn on at the same time. So, even if you think you are OK with the overall load you have on the 5V rail compared to the current the fan draws, you may still have a problem at bootup.
As everybody else has stated already, the ease of the 7V mod is not worth the risk."
Bref, je ferais mieux de mettre un adaptateur 12v ou 5V ?
Merci !


Marsh Posté le 18-08-2016 à 20:14:28   


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