ESCP-EAP! Your thoughts!

ESCP-EAP! Your thoughts! - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 03-06-2009 à 13:19:14    

Hello to you all.  
Appologies for writing in English but I came across this forum in search for some info on Paris business school ESCP-EAP (ESCP Europe) so I thought I post a message here.  
I am interested in pursuing ESCP's Master in European Business (MEB) program and from what I see from official rankings ESCP is well ranked in France and Europe. However, we all know that rankings are not to be totally trusted.  
I am interetsed in learning about your experience with ESCP, if you have any. I would appriciate hearing your thoughts and comments about the school, your experience and even better if you can share something about MEB program in particular. Anything at all, school's facilities, student profile, career opportunities, school's reputation within business community and etc.  
You can also private message me if you like. Many thanks to you all. Merci beaucoup a tous.  


Marsh Posté le 03-06-2009 à 13:19:14   


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