english expression ecrite

english expression ecrite - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 06-03-2009 à 18:50:21    

Bonsoir, j'ai une redaction de 300 mots à faire mais je ne suis pas très fort en anglais donc j'espere d'avoir votre aide.  
Write the scene in which Alix (a woman) finds the newspaper cuttings, combining a dialoguen then fully narrative parts.  
Your scene should be organized as follows : a visit informing Alix her husband is a woman killer, this part should include a dialogue. Create next a situation in wich alix is alone and puzzled. Then conclude with her exploring the house and finding the cuttings. These two parts should include alix’s thoughts.  
Boths scenes should be based on the lexical fiels of suspicion, nervousness, and fear.  
je pense à:  
alix was alone xhen the knocking at the door makes her pertified.  
"Who can it be" she wonders.  
She opens the door and it's Jessy ( her friend).  
"I'm sorru to disturb you but it's very important" she said  
"Enter. What's the matter? you are anxious"  
"yes, I am..."  
"you fill me fright! speak quickly"  
"Hesitating a moment, she said "Your husband is a killer".  
some memories came to her.  
"I apologize for you bring this new" declared Jessy "but I want to save your live" and she has gone.  
Exploring the house, Alix find the newspaper proving her husmand is a killer since 10 years.  
She lieves the house.  


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2009 à 18:50:21   


Marsh Posté le 06-03-2009 à 19:21:07    

faut tout réécrire  


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