[PRIX INTEL] - Achats & Ventes

Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:11:21    

Tuesday, April 10, 2001
More Details on Intel CPU Pricing! [8:54 pm] Rat  
We have already told you a bit about some impressively large price cuts planned by Intel in the nearest future. Today we?ve got some more info from one of our reliable sources. Here are more "shocking" details for you!
Here are some due dates for the upcoming CPUs:

  • Pentium 4 1.7GHz - on 23 April
  • Pentium 4 2GHz on the older Willamette core (Socket 423) - due in June
  • Tualatin and Pentium III 1.13GHz on Coppermine core ? due in June
  • Celeron 900 ? due in June

And now we would like to make a few comments of ours:

  • One of the greatest price drops for the entire history of Intel Corp. will take place on 29 April 2001 and will touch upon Pentium 4 processors. All elder models will get almost two times cheaper. This is how Intel pentium4 will start its massive and aggressive attack to the market, so that to make 1/3 of all Intel?s processors sold by the end of the year. Pentium 4 younger models will cost less than the elder Intel Pentium III . Of course, this changes will inevitably tell on the competition between Pentium III and Athlon: the situation promises to be extremely tough for the latter, because the cost of similar systems based on MAD Athlon CPUs will be just the same as that of systems built on Intel Pentium 4.
  • The fastest Pentium III on Tualatin core will no longer feature 1.26GHz as everybody had expected but only 1.2GHz. As for the price, it will be very close to that of Pentium 4 1.7GHz, which makes it absolutely undemanded. The same thing happens to the Pentium IIII 1.13GHz, which will cost just the same as Pentium 4 1.5GHz.Actually it looks as if Intel were ready to do everything possible to give way to its favorite, Pentium 4 CPU.
  • By the middle of the year Intel will stop shipping mainstream processors with the core frequencies below 1GHz.
  • Celeron 900 will also cost quite a lot: its price will be only $20 less than that of Pentium 4 1.3GHz. We suppose that its performance will also be not too much lower than that of Pentium 4 1.3GHz.

(cf http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/)

Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait vaut la peine d'être bien fait

Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:11:21   


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:36:52    

tu as vu ça où???


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:38:12    

Heu regardes la fin du post > (cf http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/)

Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait vaut la peine d'être bien fait

Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:40:40    

Pour des intel moins cher, votez pour MOA:lol::lol::lol:


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:41:50    

Guytar : ahahahha :)
tes enceintes contre une promesse de vote ça te va? :)


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:43:53    

mouais c étonnant kan meme!!!
les px tombent preske de moitié en 14j


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:47:50    


Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait vaut la peine d'être bien fait

Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:48:43    

C koi la lange de bois ??  :D


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:49:37    

bon je promet de voter ET pour Gytar ET OTTO ET pour Regul


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:50:21    

Je devrais aussi indiquer que le site www.hardware.fr a colporté egalement la nouvelle par la voix de Marc. Voir les news du 11/04.

Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait vaut la peine d'être bien fait

Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 10:50:21   


Marsh Posté le 12-04-2001 à 11:16:32    

olimou a écrit a écrit :

C koi la lange de bois ??  :D

C'est un truc qui fait mal au cul des bébés.
Maintenant, y'a des boites qui font des trucs en coton . 9a s'appelle des couches je crois.


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