[ACH] GTX 780 ti

GTX 780 ti [ACH] - Hardware - Achats & Ventes

Marsh Posté le 13-11-2014 à 12:44:42    

Hello à tous  :hello:  
Tout est dans le titre : je recherche une, voire deux GTX 780 ti, peu importe le design.
A prix modique bien sûr ;)
Merci !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 13-11-2014 à 12:44:42   


Marsh Posté le 13-11-2014 à 20:41:44    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 17-11-2014 à 02:31:42    

Je vends une GTX780Ti Direct CU II à 350In si ça t’intéresse ;)

Je vends ici : http://goo.gl/MKhILB | J'achète ici : http://goo.gl/ZOhO43 ← MoBo, CPU et GPU HS aussi pour ma collec !

Marsh Posté le 18-11-2014 à 20:54:10    

:hello:  j ai une 780 ti asus aussi ça fait un jolie sli ça  oui http://stkr.es/p/18hd

Mon Feed-back ici merci  

Marsh Posté le 18-11-2014 à 22:01:14    

J'ai déjà trouvé mon bonheur pour l'instant mais je vais mettre en vente une de mes configs ( http://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/Achat [...] 7355_1.htm ), pour pouvoir acheter d'autres 780ti ;)
Je te ferai signe quand ce sera bon :)

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 19-11-2014 à 08:51:45    


Mon Feed-back ici merci  

Marsh Posté le 25-11-2014 à 16:31:12    

De nouveau d'actualité !
Toujours une 780ti, peu importe le design :)
Go les propals :D

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 25-11-2014 à 18:50:25    

450€ une evga sc acx, de fin juin de cette année :p

ACHATS & VENTES << Cliquez Monseigneur & DIVERS

Marsh Posté le 25-11-2014 à 19:53:48    

machinman a écrit :

450€ une evga sc acx, de fin juin de cette année :p

Hors budget désolé  :jap:

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 25-11-2014 à 21:57:10    

Up !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 25-11-2014 à 21:57:10   


Marsh Posté le 26-11-2014 à 07:20:43    

Up !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 26-11-2014 à 10:03:15    


Mon Feed-back ici merci  

Marsh Posté le 26-11-2014 à 16:52:10    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 26-11-2014 à 19:45:36    

Up !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 27-11-2014 à 07:11:01    


Marsh Posté le 27-11-2014 à 08:16:10    


Mon Feed-back ici merci  

Marsh Posté le 27-11-2014 à 15:18:46    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 27-11-2014 à 21:15:35    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 28-11-2014 à 16:32:59    

Up !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 28-11-2014 à 18:12:50    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 28-11-2014 à 22:09:33    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 29-11-2014 à 08:01:08    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 29-11-2014 à 15:20:09    

Up !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 29-11-2014 à 21:19:36    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 08:39:47    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 08:43:54    

Salut avec toutes les cartes sur le forum, tu ne trouves pas ce qu'il te faut? ou alors c'est vraiment le tarif qui te rebute?


Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 09:05:39    

Scorpicus a écrit :

Salut avec toutes les cartes sur le forum, tu ne trouves pas ce qu'il te faut? ou alors c'est vraiment le tarif qui te rebute?

Il n'y a pas tant de 780ti que ça... Les seules qu'il y a sont aux alentours de 400€, ce qui est effectivement au dessus de mon budget.  
Il arrive souvent d'en voir à 350€, ce qui est déjà plus raisonnable mais en ce moment ça a pas l'air d'être la période :D

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 11:16:02    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 14:26:02    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 14:27:27    

vais peut être vendre une 780 TI  OC de chez MSI pour 300 euros

Achat / Vente / Feed-Back

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 14:30:06    

Si c'est le cas, pas besoin de la mettre en vente, je te la prends direct :D

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 17:57:29    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 18:01:36    

je vend une 780Ti EVGA SC (design de ref).  
mais je la vend uniquement avec waterblock XSPC et Backplate EK. 350€ la carte + 100€ Waterblock et backplate.
si sa te dit, sa se passe ici http://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/Achat [...] 8315_1.htm

Message édité par charlyontheroad le 30-11-2014 à 18:03:17

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 18:23:14    

Merci pour ta proposition mais le problème est le WB : si tu ne vends pas la carte seule, je ne suis plus dans mon budget :/

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 30-11-2014 à 21:31:47    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 01-12-2014 à 07:45:10    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 01-12-2014 à 09:30:23    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 18-01-2015 à 18:44:57    

Petit up :)

Je vends ici : http://goo.gl/MKhILB | J'achète ici : http://goo.gl/ZOhO43 ← MoBo, CPU et GPU HS aussi pour ma collec !

Marsh Posté le 22-08-2015 à 10:01:53    

De nouveau d'actualité !  
Une de mes cartes est morte donc je dois la remplacer :(
Je cherche donc une 780ti, peu importe la marque ou le design.  
Budget : aux alentours de 280€
Propalez !

And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le 22-08-2015 à 12:57:00    


And we played the first thing that came to our heads, just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, It was The Best Song in the World.

Marsh Posté le    


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